Saturday, November 30, 2019

Lyme Disease Essays (1202 words) - Rheumatology, RTT,

Lyme Disease Lyme disease is a tick-transmitted inflammatory disorder characterized by an early focal skin lesion, and subsequently a growing red area on the skin (erythema chronicum migrans or ECM). The disorder may be followed weeks later by neurological, heart or joint abnormalities. Symptomatology The first symptom of Lyme disease is a skin lesion. Known as erythema chronicum migrans, or ECM, this usually begins as a red discoloration (macule) or as an elevated round spot (papule). The skin lesion usually appears on an extremity or on the trunk, especially the thigh, buttock or the under arm. This spot expands, often with central clearing, to a diameter as large as 50 cm (c. 12 in.). Approximately 25% of patients with Lyme disease report having been bitten at that site by a tiny tick 3 to 32 days before onset of ECM. The lesion may be warm to touch. Soon after onset nearly half the patients develop multiple smaller lesions without hardened centers. ECM generally lasts for a few weeks. Other types of lesions may subsequently appear during resolution. Former skin lesions may reappear faintly, sometimes before recurrent attacks of arthritis. Lesions of the mucous membranes do not occur in Lyme disease. The most common symptoms accompanying ECM, or preceding it by a few days, may include malaise, fatigue, chills, fever, headache and stiff neck. Less commonly, backache, muscle aches (myalgias), nausea, vomiting, sore throat, swollen lymph glands, and an enlarged spleen may also be present. Most symptoms are characteristically intermittent and changing, but malaise and fatigue may linger for weeks. Arthritis is present in about half of the patients with ECM, occurring within weeks to months following onset and lasting as long as 2 years. Early in the illness, migratory inflammation of many joints (polyarthritis) without joint swelling may occur. Later, longer attacks of swelling and pain in several large joints, especially the knees, typically recur for several years. The knees commonly are much more swollen than painful; they are often hot, but rarely red. Baker's cysts (a cyst in the knee) may form and rupture. Those symptoms accompanying ECM, especially malaise, fatigue and low-grade fever, may also precede or accompany recurrent attacks of arthritis. About 10% of patients develop chronic knee involvement (i.e. unremittent for 6 months or longer). Neurological abnormalities may develop in about 15% of patients with Lyme disease within weeks to months following onset of ECM, often before arthritis occurs. These abnormalities commonly last for months, and usually resolve completely. They include: 1. lymphocytic meningitis or meningoencephalitis 2. jerky involuntary movements (chorea) 3. failure of muscle coordination due to dysfunction of the cerebellum (cerebellar ataxia) 4. cranial neuritis including Bell's palsy (a form of facial paralysis) 5. motor and sensory radiculo-neuritis (symmetric weakness, pain, strange sensations in the extremities, usually occurring first in the legs) 6. injury to single nerves causing diminished nerve response (mononeuritis multiplex) 7. inflammation of the spinal cord (myelitis). Abnormalities in the heart muscle (myocardium) occur in approximately 8% of patients with Lyme disease within weeks of ECM. They may include fluctuating degrees of atrioventricular block and, less commonly, inflammation of the heart sack and heart muscle (myopericarditis) with reduced blood volume ejected from the left ventricle and an enlarged heart (cardiomegaly). When Lyme Disease is contracted during pregnancy, the fetus may or may not be adversely affected, or may contract congenital Lyme Disease. In a study of nineteen pregnant women with Lyme Disease, fourteen had normal pregnancies and normal babies. If Lyme Disease is contracted during pregnancy, possible fetal abnormalities and premature birth can occur. Etiology Lyme disease is caused by a spirochete bacterium (Borrelia Burgdorferi) transmitted by a small tick called Ixodes dammini. The spirochete is probably injected into the victim's skin or bloodstream at the time of the insect bite. After an incubation period of 3 to 32 days, the organism migrates outward in the skin, is spread through the lymphatic system or is disseminated by the blood to different body organs or other skin sites. Lyme Disease was first described in 1909 in European medical journals. The first outbreak in the United States occurred in the early 1970's in Old lyme, Connecticut. An unusually high incidence of juvenile arthritis in the area led scientists to investigate and identify the disorder. In 1981, Dr. Willy Burgdorfer identified the bacterial spirochete organism (Borrelia Burgdorferi) which causes this disorder. Affected Population Lyme Disease occurs in wooded areas with populations of mice and deer which carry ticks, and can be contracted during any season of the year. Related Disorders Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disorder similar in appearance to

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Baptist Church

Baptist Church I attended Coral Baptist Church on February 23, 2003 in Coral Springs, FL. Coral Baptist is a Southern Baptist Church. Coral Baptist Church teaches and practices â€Å"discipleship†. CBC believes that the most important thing that Jesus Christ does is â€Å"radically and wonderfully change lives† ( The modern Baptist denomination began in England and Holland in the seventeenth century. There were two major groups that were classified as General Baptist and Particular Baptist. There are four major views from which the Baptist movement is thought to have originated from. One view is the outgrowth of English Separatism. Another is the influence of Anabaptists. The third and fourth views are the continuation of biblical teachings and the succession of Baptist churches. There are over 23,000,000 Baptists in the US today which belong to different types of Baptist churches such as: Southern Baptist, American Baptist, Primitive Baptist, Separate Baptist, Reform Baptist, and Regular Baptist. About 520,000 Baptists live in the Ft. Lauderdale/Miami area according to This is about 16.2% of the areas population. I felt extremely comfortable walking into Coral Baptist Church. I was greeted at the door and handed a pamphlet, which I failed to look at until the end of the service. I did remember some parts, which I later wrote filled in the blanks of the â€Å"message notes† that I have attached. The church was large and filled with a good mixture of people of all colors and ages. I ended up sitting in the balcony and mostly kept my eyes on the TV monitors, which had the Pastor’s sermon notes on, somewhat like a power point presentation. The church’s interior was very plain, with no major icons on the pulpit. There were banners hanging around the room that said things such as â€Å"God is great†, and messages of peace. The sermon ... Free Essays on Baptist Church Free Essays on Baptist Church Baptist Church I attended Coral Baptist Church on February 23, 2003 in Coral Springs, FL. Coral Baptist is a Southern Baptist Church. Coral Baptist Church teaches and practices â€Å"discipleship†. CBC believes that the most important thing that Jesus Christ does is â€Å"radically and wonderfully change lives† ( The modern Baptist denomination began in England and Holland in the seventeenth century. There were two major groups that were classified as General Baptist and Particular Baptist. There are four major views from which the Baptist movement is thought to have originated from. One view is the outgrowth of English Separatism. Another is the influence of Anabaptists. The third and fourth views are the continuation of biblical teachings and the succession of Baptist churches. There are over 23,000,000 Baptists in the US today which belong to different types of Baptist churches such as: Southern Baptist, American Baptist, Primitive Baptist, Separate Baptist, Reform Baptist, and Regular Baptist. About 520,000 Baptists live in the Ft. Lauderdale/Miami area according to This is about 16.2% of the areas population. I felt extremely comfortable walking into Coral Baptist Church. I was greeted at the door and handed a pamphlet, which I failed to look at until the end of the service. I did remember some parts, which I later wrote filled in the blanks of the â€Å"message notes† that I have attached. The church was large and filled with a good mixture of people of all colors and ages. I ended up sitting in the balcony and mostly kept my eyes on the TV monitors, which had the Pastor’s sermon notes on, somewhat like a power point presentation. The church’s interior was very plain, with no major icons on the pulpit. There were banners hanging around the room that said things such as â€Å"God is great†, and messages of peace. The sermon ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to beat writers block - Emphasis

How to beat writers block How to beat writers block Someone once said that writing is easy. You just sit at your keyboard and wait till the beads of blood form on your forehead. For anyone who has ever suffered from writers block (and thats all of us), this will be a familiar scenario. It doesnt have to be that way though: you can beat writers block. But first you need to realise what causes it. Fight the fear Usually its down to two things: fear and lack of information. You dont have to dislike a subject to fear writing about it. In fact, your document could be about something that you find fascinating and it might still cause you problems. The trouble is that we worry that as soon as we put fingers to keyboard, reality will set in. Were afraid that it wont be perfect, that people may disagree with us or that well mess it up. Well, heres the first truth: all those fears might come true. And heres the second: it doesnt matter. Yes, it doesnt matter if its not perfect. In fact, nothing is ever perfect. The key is to realise that success is not perfection. To misquote General George Patton, better to have an imperfect report today than a perfect one in six weeks time. Because if you dont write it at all, it doesnt matter how much potential your document has. And what could be more galling than avoiding writing a perfect document and losing out to someone who wrote an imperfect one? Get what you need If fear isnt the issue, then probably its that you dont know what to write. In other words, you lack information. So get it. Perhaps you dont know what your reader expects. If so, then filling out a reader-profile questionnaire should help. (You can download one here.) And if youre still not sure, why not ask your reader or someone who knows them better than you do some well-targeted questions? Be sure to think the topic through first though, to show that youre not just being lazy. Brainstorm all that you know already with a mind map or some similar tool then put question marks against all topics that need a little more research. Whatever it is you need to know, acknowledge that, then go and find out. A few words of warning though: make sure you really do need to know it, and that youre not just being a perfectionist. Remember, success is not perfection. Kick-start your writing Finally, here are a few practical tips to get you going: Plan first. Planning can be a great way to ease yourself into the writing itself. Besides, its critical to separate the thinking from the writing, otherwise your document could end up a jumbled mess that makes sense only to you. Planning first does exactly that. Pick a leading task. Sitting and stewing will only increase your stress and muddle your thinking. So pick something that you need to do before you can write such as launching your word-processing program or opening the folder that contains the information you need. Then do that first. This will begin to put you in action mode, and make the writing itself easier. Planning is a good leading task, incidentally (see above). Set a time. Pick a time to start writing, and do your leading task just beforehand. As the time to write approaches, you should start to feel energised and able to get going. Pick an introduction. There are four types of introduction, and picking one of these types gives you (and your reader) an instant in. For instance, the Historical intro type contrasts what used to happen last year/decade or whenever with whats happening now, and creates a real sense of movement in your readers mind. Give yourself a time limit. If after all this, youre still paralysed with fear, then simply set yourself a time limit. Resolve to write for five minutes and only five minutes. This usually works where all other methods fail. After all, how bad can five minutes be? What usually happens with the last technique is that you start writing more quickly as the time limit approaches which sets you up nicely for writing the rest of the document. You need to be honest for this method to work though. So do allow yourself to stop after five minutes if youre really not happy. Then set a time to do another five minutes. You almost certainly wont need many five minutes sessions before youre in full flow.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Cremation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Cremation - Essay Example However the remains are not ashes in the literal sense but they are dried bone segments. Cremation leaves the bones in fine sand like texture. These bone segments left are cremation are called as cremated bones. (1986) A place where modern day cremation occurs is called as crematorium (Cambridge , 2009). Crematorium usually consists of furnaces called as cremators and other facilities for handling of ashes. Cremation usually takes places in crematorium at very high temperatures of up to 870-980 C with special modifications to ensure the efficient disintegration of the corpse (L, 2005) . Europe which had earlier practised cremation of bodies abandoned the rite with the advent of Christianity which forbade cremation of bodies. The custom of earth burial came into vogue. It symbolised the burial of Jesus Christ and the day of Resurrection. (Kohmescher, 1999) However modern day Christianity permits cremation without violating its basic Christian norms and there has been a steady rise in this funerary practice form the mid 1960's especially in England , France , Italy and Switzerland. Skin and Hair are the first parts of the body which burn when a body is put to fire. During this phase 60-70% of the total body weight which is water vaporises due to intense heat. The loss of water causes muscles and tendons of the body to shrink. (L, 2005) When body burns further, the skeleton gets exposed when the soft underlying tissue disintegrates due to heat. Brain and ligament tissues are the last to be destroyed due to heat. Bones are however not destroyed at this heat, their composition and structure changes as there water content and collagen is destroyed and only mineral component is left behind. Bone crystal constantly increase in when heated up to 525 degree Celsius, and between the temperatures of 525 degree to 645 degree Celsius there is a sudden shift to a greater crystalline structure with a greater increase in the individual size of a single crystal. Above 645 degree Celsius there is no further change. After the cremation is over what remains behind are these dried out bone fragments that are altered in size and shape, both. Besides minerals these dried bone fragments also contain calcium phosphates. These cremated bone fragments are ash grey in colour and form about 2.5% (in children) to 3.5% (in adults) of the total body mass of the body. (Mays, 198) Information available

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Targeting Consumers Based on Age in Tourism and Hospitality Essay

Targeting Consumers Based on Age in Tourism and Hospitality - Essay Example There are also social impacts of tourism. These factors include condition of the local and regional economy, level of development of the tourism destination and the level of attachment of the local community (Fredline et al., 2006, p.2). In these contexts business organisations involved in the tourism and hospitality business try to put greater emphasis on social and cultural factors in affecting tourism. Demographic profiling and changes in demographic structure of the country under consideration is an important aspect in this regard where different age groups are targeted for the development of the tourism business (Fredline et al., 2006,, 27). This paper is aimed at providing the critical analysis of is it time to ditch demographic profiling, or is it more important than ever in the digital era? Demographic profiling and tourism and hospitality: Large number of tourist places is present in the world. These tourist places are providing different types of products and services to the visitors to attract them. These divergences give tourists large variety in their choice of tourist places in the world. ... Therefore, in the markets for tourism and hospitality motivation of tourists is very important for the purpose of identifying the markets and also for the development of the business perspectives. There are various studies conducted on these concepts which are emphasised as â€Å"Push† and â€Å"Pull† factors. The â€Å"Push† factors are responsible for taking potential tourists away from their home. On the contrary, â€Å"Pull† factors are responsible for attracting these tourists to the tourist destinations. In this context, various other factors, such as beaches and accommodation, historical as well as cultural resources of different tourist places also play significant roles in the development of the tourism and hospitality business. These factors again affect the motivation of the tourists to travel in different places in the world. Various factors have been identifies by researchers in the context of increasing the motivation of the tourists to visit different places all across the globe. These factors have greatly been used or applied by the business organisations which are involved in the tourism business. Among the â€Å"Push† factors there are various internal factors which include desire for rest or relaxation, desire for making adventurous trips, escapes and health etc. These factors are said to affect the motivation of the people to conduct tours to different tourist places (Jonsson and Devonish, 2008, pp.399-400). Socio-demographic factors affect the attitude of the residents of a place towards tourism marketing (Kwon, 2008, pp.70-71). For example, changes in the demographic profile of the backpackers are affecting the demand for these in New Zealand (Richards and Wilson, 2004). In different tourist palace of Brazil also these

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Major trends in corrections Essay Example for Free

Major trends in corrections Essay Functions of photography in police investigation: It can be to heal- using of photography, the investigator solved the crime by examining the photograph and identify who is the perpetrator. It can be to inform It can be to record- to record the crime scene itself and to record the evidence. It can be to influence It can be to entertain It can be to transform It can be to preserve- to preserve all the evidence that captured in the crime scene. Even though the crime scene is cleaned there are the photographs to be examined. It can be to decorate It can be to use- used in examining crime scene. And it is used as evidence. It can be to play 2010: The year of the correctional officerIn a year of tightened budges, officer furloughs, and increased media attention, officers stood strong.| By Barry EvertEvery year I am asked to write about the year prior. Quite honestly, I rarely agree to this because it usually has little training value. This year, though, I have made the exception. 2010 was a lot of things to a lot of people. Overall, probably, it was a rough year for most reading this. 2010 was not the year of the dragon, or the year of the dog; it was the year of the Correctional Officer.Budget cuts was the song sung from high at almost every capitol building in the country. Politicians proudly paraded themselves as the saviors of the economy as they slashed public safety budgets to new lows. At the same time new spending programs were put into place for everything from the protection of tree frogs to building bridges to nowhere. At the bottom of this pile was corrections. Many police agencies were able to scream loudly enough to get enough funding to keep their departments running, albeit barely. When Corrections agencies made the same call, we were largely ignored. Many states implemented a â€Å"furlough† program, or something similar, that cut the salaries of the lowest paid employees. On top of this, training was cut to an all time low, while the hiring of new officers was frozen. Simple math tells us that it was also time for a whole generation of officers to retire. They have yet to be replaced, so mandatory overtime is the norm. During the build-up of the popularity of crack cocaine in the early 80’s, crime rose to an all time high. Incarceration rates shot through the roof at the same time. This, along with tougher sentencing laws, led to a wave of prison building and hiring. By the early 90’s, most departments had outgrown themselves, and were desperately hiring as many people as they could. Those officers are now due to retire. Few states took this into consideration, so as we entered this year under budget cuts, we were expected to do more with less much less.So was 2010 a loss? Not exactly. Through all of this, the community has learned an important lesson if they choose to look. In almost any other profession, these reductions in pay, along with an increase in danger at the working environment, would have led to catastrophic work stoppages, or large scale protests. But no one walked away from their duties. No one went on strike. And to the best of my knowledge, there were only a few small scale protests by officers. At the end of the day, feeling underappreciated and underpaid, correctional officers punch the clock after protecting society from those they have incarcerated. With many of the resources cut or gone, we went about our business and did our job. Yes, some mistakes were made. Many were due to a lack of resources or just plain tired officers making mistakes. With fewer resources in place, and with less staff, the average officer worked even harder than usual, and did so at a discounted salary.No walk-outs, no â€Å"blue flu,† no rebellion. I would never have expected less from us as a group, but others are starting to take note. People who have never dealt with corrections are starting to understand our predicament. It was not because we sat on the floor and threw a temper tantrum about our working conditions, but it was through our continued dedication to the safety of the public, regardless of what was thrown at us, that people are starting to take note of us. 2010 was the year of the Correctional Professional. I have never been prouder to be part of a group of people than I am today. I realized this about 6 months ago when I overheard several officers talking. The officers were discussing a major union conference that had just taken place. During this conference, the possibility of striking had come up. It was decided at this conference that the membership of this union could vote to strike if they felt it necessary. The officers were discussing the possibility of a strike. By the time the 5 minute conversation was over, all of the officers walked away agreeing that there was no way they would ever strike, even if it was legal to do so. The reasons ranged from not wanting to leave their brothers and sisters behind, to feeling that they were officers first, union members second. Do you think this conversation would have been the same had it been on the floor of a factory?This sentiment quickly spread throughout the state, and it was made clear to this union that striking is not now, and never will be an option; it would be better to resign. This came out of the mouths of officers who, like me, had suffered a 15% pay reduction, an increase in their medical payments, and an increase in retirement contributions. Many officers have lost their homes, or have had members in their family, or themselves, take on another job. Through it all they are still dedicated.This is why this has been the year of the Correctional Officer. Although this has been a tough year, and things are not looking any better for next year, people on the outside are getting to see us for who we really are. How many times have we said: â€Å"If people only knew what we went through.† The people are listening, so speak wisely and keep your head up. Don’t ever forget why you wear that uniform, and continue to be the proud, dedicated officers we know you can be.So I raise my glass as we pass through the last part of this year, to all of those we lost this year. To all of our brothers and sisters who have made the ultimate sacrifice: You are not forgotten. To all of us who continue to protect, I say: Bravo! The people are finally starting to listen. Make sure you are saying the right things.Be safe out there folks, and party sanely.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

How to Lift Heavy Objects :: essays research papers

How to Lift Heavy Objects It is important to understand how to lift objects correctly. The results of improper handling of materials may result in a painful hernia, a strained or pulled muscle, or a disk lesion. The following rules are to be observed when lifting heavy objects. 1. Do NOT lift an object if it is too heavy or too bulky for good balance. Get help or use mechanical aids such as a dolly or hand truck. 2. Keep the load as close to the centre of your body. The farther the load is from the small of your back, the greater the strain. That is the reason a heavy compact load is easier to lift than a bulky, lighter load - you just cannot get the bulky object close to you. The best way to handle a compact load is to squat down close to the load with one foot alongside it and the other foot behind it. With the feet comfortably spread, you will have better stability with the rear foot in the position for the upward thrust of the lift. 3. Pull the load toward you, then lift it gradually. Avoid quick and jerky motions. Push up on your legs while keeping your back straight. A straight back keeps the spine, back muscles, and other organs of the body in the correct alignment. Tucking in your chin helps to align the spine. No matter what size the load, get as close to it as you can; then get a good grip by using the full palm and extending your fingers and hands around the object. Remember that your fingers have very little power and need the strength of your entire hand. Keep your arms and elbows tucked into the side of your body to help keep the body weight centred. Avoid twisting your body during the lift or while moving the load; change directions by moving your feet. Twisting your body during a lift is one of the most common causes of back injury. 4. Be sure to have a clear vision over the load you are handling. 5. Do NOT change your grip while you are carrying the load. 6. Face the spot in which you intend to set the object down; bend your knees keeping your back as straight as possible and the weight of the object close to your body. 7. Always allow enough room for the load to prevent injury to your toes and fingers.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Lonely Heart

â€Å"Lonely Hearts† by Wendy Cope is a statement on the disconnectedness and isolation of modern city living. By showing the reader five different people all searching for love, all in the same area of North London, all of whom have different but very basic needs in a love interest, Cope is highlighting the fact that current societal means of meeting ones mate have changed. In addition the use of the villanelle style of closed form poetry gives this the presentation of a Greek chorus.Lonely Hears is a modern poem which with its individual narrators for each verse, followed by a final chorus, which appears to be spoken by all of the narrators, gives the presentation of a Greek chorus (Campbell 66). This pattern adds to the loneliness of each speaker, almost as if they step out of the darkness, state their plea and retire to the shadows. By utilizing this style of narration Cope is highlighting the disconnectedness and loneliness of these urban dwellers, all of who reside in a relatively small area of a large city but are unable to meet people without placing a personal ad.Using the closed form rapid tone and rhythm Cope is following the path of many English poets who use this style of poetry to tell serious stories as well as comic ones. Cope focuses on loneliness and the search for love in several of her poems â€Å"Lonely Hearts† and â€Å"Bloody Men† focus on the search for and the difficulty of finding love and â€Å"Rondeau Redouble† which tells of what happens when one the narrator meets the wrong man.But like so many English poets Cope shows that she understands the darker side of love and loneliness in â€Å"Spared† a poem about 9/11. Loneliness and isolation in Metropolitan areas is not a new problem, indeed loneliness anywhere is itself not a modern problem; but with the growing worlds of social media and internet living, people are connecting less one on one.In a research study commissioned by the BBC in 2008, 30% o f Londoners classified themselves as being lonely, in contrast to the more rural Northern Ireland where only 21% reported feeling lonely. Researchers also identified large numbers of people living alone, unmarried people, recently relocated people and people privately renting accommodation, all of which they felt contributed to the social isolation and loneliness respondents reported(Dorling, Vickers, and Thomas 2008).Studying Cope’s poem it is apparent there are cultural differences between the narrators; a Jewish single mother, a gay vegetarian, and a biker, Cultural differences also contribute to inner city isolation and loneliness, be they religious, sexual orientation, lifestyle or ethnic. In a 2011 by the Vancouver Foundation, the highest ranked social issues among 275 charitable foundations and 100 community leaders, of a widely diverse selection of communities and cultures, was social isolation and disconnectedness.Repeating the study in 2012, but instead of polling i nstitutions individuals where polled and again; as in the UK study, 30% of respondents reported loneliness or difficulty making friends beyond the superficial â€Å"hello† (Takeuchi 2012). Two cities 4700 miles apart highlighted commonalities among lonely individuals; people who had recently moved to the city, who lived alone and who rented their accommodation privately.But in both cities this group of people, while having few friends would see them more frequently and be more likely to use social spaces and social media to spend time with them. Social media such as Facebook and Twitter has become a common way for people to connect with friends and family; an often person have hundreds of â€Å"friends† on Facebook with people reconnecting with lost loves and finding new ones; but is this modern version of a community or is it just another form of social isolation?Academic arguments have been made for both sides of the story, with social networks being blamed for incre asing disconnectedness and on the other side of the coin social networks are being credited with leading to more diverse and wider groups of friends (Hampton , Goulet , and et al). Social media has also become a common way for people not only looking for friends but love as well. Looking for love in the Twenty First century has progressed from the simple newspaper ad lonely hearts as found in Wendy Cope’s poem, but is it any more sophisticated?Love is still love, people are still reaching out to find a person with whom they have something in common and loneliness is still unchanged over the centuries. Love, attractiveness and loneliness and all three combined have often been the focus of poets over the years from the short and pointed work of Frances Cornford â€Å"To a Fat Lady Seen From the Train† who the narrator deems as unlovable based solely on her appearance â€Å"O why do you walk through the fields in gloves Missing so much and so much?O fat white woman whom nobody loves,† (Cornford 34) to William Butler Yeats â€Å"Loves Loneliness† which deals with the fact that love does not guarantee an end to isolation and loneliness (Yeats). In the classic poem of Edgar Allen Poe ‘The Raven†, Poe deals with the loneliness of having loved and lost, the sense of desperation and a slow decline into what appears to be madness on the part of the narrator gives this poem a dark and gothic feel, combined with the appearance of the raven.The underlying theme of this poem is one of undying devotion, even though the narrator is alone, he has lost his beloved Lenore, he believes the Raven will leave his life as â€Å"other friends have flown before†(Poe), he will not give up the memories of Lenore and clings to the hope that he will be reunited with her in heaven, leading the reader to believe that Lenore is dead.The classic English poet W H Auden also deals with the loss of love and the loneliness of bereavement in one of his most famous poems â€Å"Funeral Blues† in which a lover demands â€Å"Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,† insisting that the world stop and stand for a moment to recognize what is occurring, what a great loss she has suffered, â€Å"He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.†To have loved so deeply and to be bereaved leaves the narrator with a sense of loneliness so deep it is apparent that nothing will ever be the same again â€Å"The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ For nothing now can ever come to any good. † (Auden) These two poems bring us to the age old question is it better to have loved and lost or never to have loved at all? In the case of â€Å"The Raven† the narrators lost love drove him into despair and insanity and in the ca se of â€Å"Funeral Blues† the death of her loved one meant life could never be good or happy again.So in the case of Wendy Cope’s â€Å"Lonely Hearts† what would happen if they found their loves? Wendy Cope addresses loneliness in many of her poems but in â€Å"Rondeau Redouble† she tells us of what happens when the unwitting heroine continues in her futile search for love despite meeting a variety of wildly unsuitable men â€Å"There are so many kinds of awful men -One can't avoid them all.She often said She'd never make the same mistake again; She always made a new mistake instead† (Cope) Instead of a litany of lonely hearts searching for love, here the reader is witness to a parade of depressingly awful men, each with their own foibles and idiosyncrasies, making it seem as if being single and alone is in fact preferable. Perhaps in the end the â€Å"Lonely Hearts† should take some advice from modern American poet Lloyd C Taylor; who in k eeping with the changing world of literature and the growing world of social media is primarily a web published poet.One of his better known poems â€Å"Looking for Love† asks the question of all people looking for that elusive perfect relationship, â€Å"So, you’re looking for real love and companionship; You’re disappointed no one has taken your hand. † and when it becomes apparent to â€Å"Lonely Hearts† worldwide that the perfect mate is not out there, that that one ideal relationship does not exist; Taylor has the perfect suggestion for finding that undying love and devotion for which they search, an answer which will end thoughts of loneliness â€Å"Stop going round and round on your merry-go-round, My advice, friend, go out and get a good dog! †(Taylor).

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Dangerous Method Essay

David Cronenberg’s latest film, â€Å"A Dangerous Method,† recounts the relationship between two psychiatry pioneers, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, in the early part of the 20th century. Michael Fassbender as Jung, Viggo Mortensen as Freud, and Keira Knightley as Jung’s patient and future psychoanalyst Sabina Spielrein. It’s Jung around whom the story revolves, as a rising young intellect attempting to build on Freud’s fledgling theories of psychoanalysis. In Cronenberg’s version, we watch as their professional relationship evolves from student-teacher to one more like father-son, before eventually fracturing. Jung has a wife (Sarah Gadon) who spends most of the film either pregnant or lamenting that she’s popped out yet another girl. It’s a stable, normal relationship, exactly the type of thing to send a driven man like Jung into the arms of another woman. He can’t help himself, and he has a willing and ready partner in Spielrein. Knightley’s Spielrein is a patient of Jung’s during this time. See more: Satirical elements in the adventure of Huckleberry Finn essay With Spielrein’s committal and therapy sessions with Jung, she states, â€Å"I’m vile, filthy, corrupt! †, after admitting she found her father’s sexual and physical abuse arousing. The complexity of the situation is demonstrated by her academic and personal development. After an unusual on-off affair with Jung, whose disagreements with Freud are presented simultaneously, But it’s her romantic relationship with her mentor, in addition to varied professional differences, that Cronenberg tells us is at the center of Jung’s falling-out with Freud. There are reasons that doctors shouldn’t sleep with their patients, many of which surface during the course of Jung and Spielrein’s romance. As the relationship breaks down, things are further complicated by the fact that Spielrein is a psychiatric student herself, allowing her to analyze her doctor/lover right back. Spielrein eventually seeks out Freud to be her new analyst, which further poisons the Jung-Freud relationship. Sexuality issues portrayed in this film were the arousal from the beatings from her father and the affair that Spielrein was having with Jung. The beatings she first remembered started when she was four years old. Her father told her to go to this little room, then told her to take off her clothes, he then beat her. After the beating she then wet herself, and her father then beat her again for wetting. This excited her very much. After that every time she got sent to that room she got excited, then even more excited after her father beat her. She would instantly have to go masturbate after the beatings. After a little time it wasn’t just the beating that got her aroused, it was any kind of embarrassment. The more embarrassing the more excited she would become. One instance in the movie Spielrein dropped her coat on the ground, Jung picked it up and started hitting it with his cane to get the dirt off of it and she instantly needed to go back to her room because she was so excited that she needed to masturbate. The affair with Jung was of course inappropriate in many ways, but for Jung I saw it as a way to keep his life exciting. His wife always seemed to be pregnant and very low key and having the extra woman on the side kept him going. Not that it makes it okay, especially since it was clients that he was sleeping with. Even after Jung put a stop to the relationship with Spielrein, later when she came back to talk about her dissertation they then had another intimate encounter. The more Jung spoke with her, the more they explored her past with her father, and this gave Jung a better understanding of what things made her more aroused then others. At one point in the movie Spielrein is asked about her troubles sleeping at night. She explains that she feels like something is in bed with her and it felt slimy on her back. Jung then asked if she was naked, and her response was yes. He then asked if she was masturbating, and her response again was yes. This told him it wasn’t all her imagination it was also parts of her arousal while masturbating. I loved this film, I have now watched it three times. It shows how sometimes peoples pasts can really affect their daily life with something such as embarrassment, or being beaten as a child. It was very eye opening to me to see how easily Jung started sleeping with his clients, and how his wife just didn’t say much at all about the affairs. Almost like if she didn’t say anything then it didn’t make it real. The first time watching this movie I found myself on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what was going to happen next, and how they were going to deal with her outbursts and situations. I think this movie would be great for awareness, because it seemed so easy for them to go into a relationship, but really it is very wrong to become emotionally attached to a client, let alone sleep with them. I know this movie probably isn’t quite for everyone, but going into a human services field I think it would be a great movie to show in one of the many classes that regards to client and helper relationships. I found it intriguing and informational and I love building my knowledge when it comes to situations with helpers and clients.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Quotes About Simplicity

Quotes About Simplicity Living in simplicity is about more than taking your time to soak in the warmth of the sun or stopping to smell the flowers, although those actions could certainly fit in a simple lifestyle. Simplicity is about deciding what is necessary and important in your life and then not being distracted by the business that fills our days. It is about focusing on the important, rather than the urgent. The term simplicity can also imply a lack of pretense or sophistication, although many would claim that the most uncomplicated life is the most sophisticated.   John Kabat-ZinnVoluntary simplicity means going fewer places in one day rather than more, seeing less so I can see more, doing less so I can do more, acquiring less so I can have more. Albert EinsteinEverything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best for both the body and the mind. Charles WarnerSimplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough. ConfuciusLife is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Winston ChurchillAll the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope. Charles de LintLife is like art. You have to work hard to keep it simple and still, have meaning. SocratesBeware the barrenness of a busy life. Dalai LamaMy religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. William MorrisHave nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. Orison MardenThe waste of life occasioned by trying to do too many things at once is appalling. Ronald ReaganThere are no easy answers, but there are simple answers. We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right.   Warren BuffettThe business schools reward difficult complex behavior more than simple behavior, but simple behavior is more effective. Doris Janzen LongacreThe trouble with simple living is that, though it can be joyful, rich and creative, it isnt simple. Elizabeth SeatonLive simply that others might simply live. Henry David ThoreauAs you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness. Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify. Leonardo Da Vinci Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Hans Hofmann The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. Stendhal Only great minds can afford a simple style. Oscar Wilde Simple pleasures are always the last refuge of the complex. Arnold H. Glasgow Success is simple. Do whats right, the right way, at the right time. Lao Tzu I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ï » ¿Ã¯ » ¿In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Carsales for International Journal of Management help

Car and bikes have become the lifeline for the peoples in the cities, especially in Australia. It is seen that that the number of the cars per house is approximately 2 or more. But where these cars comes from and how the people get it, the answer is the Also known as the ASX: CAR is one of the largest online automobile selling organisation. IT deals with cars, bikes, supercars and marine automobiles. The organisation structure has not only attracted a huge number of the customers in the Australia but also all over the world. It has many of the subsiders which all together have more than 600 employees (Kane et al. 2015). The organisation not only deals with the automobiles but also helps the customer by providing proper and world class equipment’s for the automobiles. This paper is about the nature of the business that the organisation does and how it beneficial for the customers. Also this paper includes the governance structure of the organisation and the police s of the origination. The paper also provides a brief about the risks that the organisation faces in the modern generation time (Bower 2018). The roles of the corporate officers are also part of the paper which deals with the work that the officers does and their work affects the working of the organisation. Further that how the organisations works with the risk management also reflects in this paper. One of the major thing that is to be considered while selling automobiles, the governance policy is also on of the major aspect , this paper highlight the regulatory requirements that helps the organisation for the work of regulatory requirements of the organisation. Also the IS systems and the IT management issues are also highlighted. The is one of the leading automobile selling industry in the Australia. The entire business of the organisation runs in the online platform that is it uses the information technology for the business enhancement (Leite et al. 2015). The work of the industry is very simple, that is it has created and platform though which the users can search for the cars or bike or truck, accessories, farming equipment and any other automobile that the user wants to buy or sell. Interested customers can search for the same, the organisation helps with the process from location to the buying process while taking a minimal fee for the same (Susskind and Susskind 2015). The mission of the organisation according to the systems is to provide helpful services in the industry to reduce the cost of the automotive advertise in the country. The vision of the organisation is to provide a smooth car buying and selling journey to the Australians. It also provides the customers with each and every det ails about the car whether it is a new or a old platform before buying (Busse, Knittel and Zettelmeyer 2013). If an owner wants to sell a particular car, all the owner has to do is to fill the form available in the website and the upload pictures, of the car. When the confirmation is done and payment is confirmed, officials come and checks the condition of the car and approves it. Then the advertisement of the car is given in page of the website. It uses many of the advanced technology for the same (Grant 2016). It uses the information systems for the purpose of the developing the website it needs for the business. The organisation has a very profound data base that helps the organisation to store the most accurate information about the cars and the details of the customers. Also it uses the cloud system which helps the organisation is maintain the proper order. It can be said that using information technology has helped the organisation a lot in developing the nature of the busines s in this competitive world. The organisation a very strict and advanced governance policies which helps the organisation in the process of the business policy. It helps the organisation to maintain a good decorum in the business. The Governance, is program that helps in maintain the roles of the individuals and the management roles which helps in defining the management roles and the polices for taking a better decision for the organisation (Scholes 2015). The agreement paper of the organisation includes many of the parameters that the user must full fill before starting with the Some of policies are These are some of the basic policies that the customer has to follow, apart from these there are several other such policies that the organisation needs to follow. The employees of the organisation also has to follow certain rules that the organisation has to follow (Vignola, McDaniels and Scholz 2013).   Every employee of the organisation has a specific set of the rules that has be followed. There is special team in the organisation which looks into the matters of this factors. All the customer’s needs to follow the set of the rule and the regulation in order to use the platform of the organisation. Corporate officials the employees of the organisation who are the head. These people are responsible for every movement of the organisation. All the decisions are that re made by them affects the entire work process of the organisation. Here are given some of the names of the people who are the brains and the mind of the organisation. Chairman: Richard Collins, the current Chairman and director of the organisation has been working for the organisation since the past 18years (Xue et al. 2013). He is the head of board of the directors and confirms every decision that the organisation needs to take. Managing Director & CEO:   Cameron McIntyre is the managing director and the CEO of the organisation. He is responsible for all the sales and the services of the organisation, without his confirmation none of the moves are approved (Uslaner 2013).   He is been serving the organisation since the year of the 2016. The carsales.coms entire business plan is made by him in the resent years and the use of the modern technology is also an idea of him. Being a degree holder from the Harvard school of business knows each and every aspect of the business and uses his mind for the development of the same. Non-Executive Director:   The work of the non-executive director does not shows a breakup in the regular day to day work, but in the polies and planning of the organisation. The role of the non-executive director is to make the plan and polices for the organisation. Also the work of the Non-Executive Director is to monitor the activities of the ceo and the chairman of the organisation and to include more and more shareholders for the organisation (Touchon et al. 2013). Wal Pisciotta OAM, Kim Anderson, Patrick O'Sullivan, Edwina Gilbert are the Non-Executive Directors of the organization who looks in the smooth going of the business of the organisation., General Counsel and Company Secretary: The work of the general counsel and the company secretory is to look into the legal matters of the organisation. Nicole Birman is women who looks into all these staffs on behalf of the organisation. These are the few people who looks in the top level matters of the organisation and helps the organisations smooth going and helping in the development of the organisation. The policies that the organisation has is well compiled to the governmental reforms of the country. The organisation follows the norms that are given by the government and does not include any practice that is illegal ( 2018). The selling and the buying of the cars and the other automobiles are in accordance to the government of the organisation. Further the organisation checks all the papers of the cars and the validity of the owner who is selling the item.   When a person is buying an automobile, a check for the person is also done by the organisation. The registration number of the car, owner details are the other such things (Unger, Gemà ¼nden and Aubry 2012). The customer needs to validate all the documents like the paper of the car, the pollution papers and other papers that are related to the systems. This is done for the betterment of the customers and to keep the organisation in the safe side. This is made sure that no illegal deal is done via the platform of the organisation.   Risk mitigation is the technique to reduce the number of the risk in minimum number by the process of proper risk analysis method. An incessant, pre-emptive and methodical process of categorising, assessing and managing risk in line with the accepted risk levels to provide reasonable assurance as to achieving the expected result .The organisation uses on some of the strong computer architectures for the betterment of the systems and the websites (Schwartz 2017). In any organisation risk is one of the major factor that affects the business. In case of this organisation there are also some of the major risk are, if the car is a stolen one and some ones is trying to sell the car using fake papers. Other than this the user who may use fake profile to buy any cars can also be called risk. Some of the other minor risk are that if the one confirms to sell the car and later deny it. This are some of the issues that the organisation faces can be solved by verifying the user and charging t he user beforehand (Welford 2016). Other than this some of the major risk that the organization can face in terms of the information technology are blocking of the websites, hacking of the systems database and other hacks. The organisation uses a strong risk analysis method for getting the prior knowledge of the risk in the systems. There are 5 steps that the organisation follows to analyse any of the risk in the system, first is to identify the major risk that the organisation can face, the second is who will be affected because of the risk, is it the organisation or the clients and the taking appropriate pre causing for removing the risk of the organisation (Lacetera, Pope and Sydnor 2012). The 4 th is to keep a track of the previous risk and to analyse and remove the same (Hemmati 2012). The fifth is to update the risk related issue in the proper interval of time. With the proper assumption of the risk, the organisational woks goes on and the three is smooth flow of the work in the organisation. The customer has a huge role while playing to keep the data’s safe. According to the organisation no customer must share the personal data online and offline to any one other. The use of others account is also one of the major problem, according to company policy no one other than the seller or the buyer can use the account but it does not happens many times it is seen that people use some of others account. This can be one of the major problem for the organisation in maintaining the decorum of the business. Some of the improvements that the organisation needs to do for the betterment of the business are introducing the IT in the business process (Prince 2012). In order to save the websites and the servers form attackers the organisation needs a huge support team which can look after the working of the IT things. Introduction of proper anti-virus and the use of the cloud architectures can help the organisation in the process of saving the data and information of the organisation. Some of the common hacks that can affect the websites are Sql injections, Cross referencing scripting, server side invalidation error, having a strong passwords other such malwares. Further the organisation needs to keep the client data safe, if there is any issue with the client data, the clients may boycott the system of the (Huse and Lucinda 2014). The organisation can use the PAAS as a platform for the development and safekeeping of the data. Further the use of the software’s that helps i n the protection of the data can be used. The organisation can also introduce new risk assessment techniques that can help in better analysis of the risk. Further the use of the artificial intelligence can help the organisation regular work and decrease the work pressure of the employees, it can help in the automation of the tasks. Thus, concluding the topic it can be said that the is one of the major industry that is working in the Australia for the betterment of the customers. The organisation has a very strong nature of the business that it does. With the increase demands of the cars and the automobile the business of the organisation are increasing with passing days and in the near future may rise to global extent. The organisation can open up global hubs for the selling of the cars globally which can help the organisation to improve. The organisation also needs to reform some of the business patterns and improve some of the business processes for the betterment of the organisation. Also the organisation needs to improve the IS management systems which will help the organisation in having more and more customer. Introducing better it can also help the organisation in defending against malwares and other such attacks. Busse, M.R., Knittel, C.R. and Zettelmeyer, F., 2013. Are consumers myopic? Evidence from new and used car purchases. American Economic Review, 103(1), pp.220-56. Lacetera, N., Pope, D.G. and Sydnor, J.R., 2012. Heuristic thinking and limited attention in the car market. American Economic Review, 102(5), pp.2206-36. Huse, C. and Lucinda, C., 2014. The market impact and the cost of environmental policy: evidence from the Swedish green car rebate. The Economic Journal, 124(578). Prince, R., 2012. Policy transfer, consultants and the geographies of governance. Progress in Human Geography, 36(2), pp.188-203. Hemmati, M., 2012.  Multi-stakeholder processes for governance and sustainability: beyond deadlock and conflict. Routledge. Welford, R., 2016.  Corporate environmental management 1: Systems and strategies. Routledge. Schwartz, M.S., 2017.  Corporate social responsibility. Routledge. Unger, B.N., Gemà ¼nden, H.G. and Aubry, M., 2012. The three roles of a project portfolio management office: Their impact on portfolio management execution and success.  International Journal of Project Management,  30(5), pp.608-620. (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Apr. 2018]. 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Susskind, R.E. and Susskind, D., 2015. The future of the professions: How technology will transform the work of human experts. Oxford University Press, USA. Bower, D.J., 2018.  Company and campus partnership: supporting technology transfer. Routledge. Kane, G.C., Palmer, D., Phillips, A.N., Kiron, D. and Buckley, N., 2015. Strategy, not technology, drives digital transformation.  MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte University Press,  14. Leite, L.F., Mendes, F.L., Parreiras, V.A., Gomes, F.M. and Wiezel, J.G., 2015. Developing a technology readiness assessment methodology for an energy company. In  IAMOT 2015 Conference Proceedings  (pp. 2026-2039).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Maori Identity Expression and Development in Once Were Warriors Essay

Maori Identity Expression and Development in Once Were Warriors - Essay Example I used the concepts and arguments from the following major theorists: Murray and Conrich (2008), Barclay (1990), Pihama (1996), Alia and Bull (2005) and Mita (1996). Murray and Conrich (2008) explore the meaning of ‘indigenous self-expression,’ while Barclay (1990) describes the process and effects of ‘talking in’ for indigenous people. Pihama (1996) emphasises the importance of contextualising Maori violence in order to avoid ethnic stereotyping. Alia and Bull (2005, p.64) argue that as indigenous groups internalise outsider views and develop their own internal understanding of their societies, they are involved in the ‘invention of tradition.’ Mita (1996) asserts that films provide the opportunity of decolonising themes. For this essay, I ask: How does Once Were Warriors reflect the ideas of the ‘indigenous self-expression’ (Murray and Conrich 2008), ‘our own image’ and ‘talking in’ (Barclay 1990), and â €˜decolonising the screen’ (Mita 1996)? Once Were Warriors reflects ‘indigenous self-expression’ (Murray and Conrich 2008), ‘our own image’ and ‘talking in’ (Barclay 1990) through emphasising the remaking and reclaiming of the warrior Maori culture in different ways and ‘decolonising the screen’ (Mita 1996) through reducing Western influences and focusing on the legitimacy of the hybrid Maori-modern culture. The paper concludes that Once Were Warriors signifies the remaking of Maori identity through the process of reclaiming their warriorhood status that simultaneously decolonises Maori identity development. ii. Reflexive Introduction I chose this film because it represents the breakdown of the indigenous social fabric, after colonisation has eroded the cultural fabric of the colonised. As a person who has a strong sense of colonisation history and who values family and clan ties, I can relate to the impacts of colonisati on and urbanisation on the social ties and identity-making of the Maori. Colonisation and its subsequent urbanisation and commercialisation effects have eroded the Maoris’ sense of identity, affecting not only their ethnic group as a whole, but also their family roots and individual personalities. I am then interpreting the film, not only from the views and concepts of the aforementioned theorists, but also from my own family and social values and experiences, because I am someone who deeply respects and values collectivistic societies, of which I am also a proud part of. I continue to strongly ground my analysis on scholarly research, nonetheless, through using textual analysis and semiotics that can help me attain a balanced perspective. iii. Background Introduction Since the early 1970s, a significant cultural shift is changing Maori representation in films, a shift called the â€Å"Maori Renaissance† (Keown 2008, p.197). Lee Tamahori’s Once Were Warriors bel ongs to this shift, as it portrays the implications of one of the historical events in the Maoris’ lives, their migration from rural, coastal ancestral lands to Pakeha-dominated urban areas and the effects of this migration to their ethnic identity-making process and identities (Keown 2008, p.197). For this essay, I explore how the film reflects indigenous expression and decolonisation themes. My research question is: How does Once Were Warriors reflect the ideas of the ‘indigenous self-expression’ (Murray and Conrich 2008), ‘our own image’